Disney's Five Mile Creek

This is the Five Mile Creek site. It has interviews(so far Martin Lewis(Sam),Henry Crawford(producer),Louise Caire Clark(Maggie Scott) and Jay Kerr(Con Madigan)),info on the actors and actresses,and summaries of all 39 episodes.

The best place to get the videos. This is where I got all of mine. I have most of the

collection and I got most of them for 5 or 6 dollars.
Mickey's Movies

This place is a lot like Ebay only you don't have to bid. All you do is click on the

video you want and buy. The videos sell for $10.95 or $12.95 depending on whether you

want used or brand-new. I have had some trouble in the past with buying used videos

off Ebay so I would recommand getting brand-new if possible. But here unlike Ebay

there is a guarantee on the videos.

This is our official affilate. Rachel's got a neat site all about Nate Cole, a singer in the band Plus One.

Lots of shows from the 1800s such as Five Mile Creek,Anne of Green Gables and Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman. There is also some fanfiction and a page about 9/11 complete with Bible verses to encourage.

To link to my site please use the banner below or a text link. If you link my site please email me first. If you have a site that pertains to FMC and/or the actors/actresses I will link back provided your site is clean and decent. Thank you!

My other Sites

Rebecca Online My fan site for the Christian singer Rebecca St.James

Just Charmaine My fan site for the Christian singer Charmaine

Sorry,I don't have anymore links. If you do send them to me at fivemilecreek@excite.com,please. Thanks!